Another Chapter

DSCN3919Over a year ago, I created two goals for my writing: I wanted to create a blog about the      challenges of living with Rheumatoid Arthritis (The Old Lady in My Bones), and I wanted to finish a particular story and send it out into the world. I accomplished both. I also created this second blog which was not part of the plan. I made my goals small enough to attain, and I put no pressure on myself to achieve the impossible.

This year, my goals are a bit more challenging: I want to finish my novella, polish and complete existing short stories, and clean up my files by cutting away the half-started dead-end projects that have fizzled out with the remaining days of 2013. I want to take some time to step away from the desk and connect to the world, reviving the poet in me, who sometimes gets lost in the ongoing tasks of writing blog posts and editing stories. I will write every day; I will write fearlessly, and do my best to ignore my inner critic; I will write for me, not for the world, although it will please me if the world sometimes likes what I have to say.

All my submissions have been sent, accepted or returned. There is nothing of mine floating around in the ether. I will start the new calendar year fresh, with new projects, new submissions, and new challenges. Stories, prose, non-fiction and poetry, will stream from my imagination for another 365 days. I can close the book on the past year, satisfied with my accomplishments, and open a new chapter, that will lead me closer to the thrilling conclusion. Like a smouldering spark, just waiting for a bit of oxygen, the New Year will rekindle my passion, lighting the pathway to new worlds dwelling inside my imagination.

Happy New Year to new moments, new days, new words and to everyone who has, or perhaps will intend to, create new worlds with their words.

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